On The First Day Of Christmas...

Ok so, I've realised that I probably got "the days of Christmas" completely wrong but either way, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And nowwwwwwwwwww NUMBER ONE ISSSS.....

Alt-J (∆) - An Awesome Wave


This album. There are no words for this album. It was so hard to make the choice of all the other albums that I would put in this series of posts but I knew from the beginning that this would be number one. I have listened to "An Awesome Wave" a ridiculous amount of times since I got it. Released on the 25th of May - this album is just pure gold. 

I will never forget the first song I heard from this album. I heard "Breezeblocks" first, I remember exactly where I was and exactly what I was doing when I heard it - it was obviously a poignant moment haha. The build-up in the song at around the 2 minute mark was completely what sold it to me. I've looked up the lyrics to a lot of Alt-J's songs as I'm normally confused as to what they're saying and when I read them I was even more confused, but with the help of a close friend of mine I found out that a lot of their lyrics are based on novels and historical events that have caught their interest or inspired them. And so even lyrically, this album is top notch!

Every song is my favourite song BUT my main favourites would have to be "Tessellate", "Ms", "Taro", "Matilda" and "Fitzpleasure". And they don't just stop at songs - al of Alt-J's videos are fantastic. Particular mention must be given to "Tessellate" and "Taro" these two videos are pure genius. "Tessellate" itself as a song is brilliant."Ms" gives me butterflies when I listen to it, it's so chilled - just fantastic. "Taro" is also an amazing song, I can't even describe them all individually they're all just flawless, every single one of them, flawless..

With all of that said - go and pick up the album for yourself and see if you agree with anything I've just said...

Honourable mention must go to these albums that didn't quite make it onto the list...

  1. Lower Than Atlantis - Changing Tune
  2. Mumford And Sons - Babel
  3. Deaf Havana - Fools And Worthless Liars (Deluxe Edition)
  4. Tonight Alive - What Are You So Scared Of?
  5. Linkin Park - Living Things
  6. Dinosaur Jr. - I Bet On Sky
  7. Delilah - From The Roots Up
  8. Gallows - Gallows
  9. No Doubt - Push And Shove
  10. Lianne La Havas - Is Your Love Big Enough?
  11. The XX - Coexist
  12. We Are The Ocean - Maybe Today, Maybe Tomorrow



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