Foals released the video for the third single from "Holy Fire" earlier today. The song initially was one of my favourites and so I'm definitely glad that they opted to release a video for it. Foals released the video through Rolling Stones website and so it's only available to those who have the link, so simply click the link below. The video does however feature Yannis looking ridiculously gorgeous in a suit and some explicit content, so you've been warned. Squeamish people, turn away now...


In my opinion, although initially quite shocking, the video is perfect. Although, it may raise a few eyebrows, it'll be etched in your brain for quite a while afterwards, and the concept is left quite to interpretation. The main thing that I understood from it was the showing of the three stages of life: conception, birth and death. I may be completely wrong but there we go, open to interpretation. I really think Foals knew what they were doing when releasing/recording this video and like it or not, it is a brilliant, brilliant video. Even though I'm well aware of how talented and original Foals are they still continue to surprise me and surpass my expectations. That's what every band that I listen to should be like. I shouldn't need to expect/settle for less anymore. Thank you to Foals for officially raising the bar.



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